Saturday, December 25, 2010

St. Nicholas

Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy (fl. 1480-1510) was an unidentified Early Netherlandish painter who worked in Bruges, now a city in Belgium. His name comes from for an altarpiece in the church of Saint James in Bruges, which is dated 1480 and depicts three scenes from the life of Saint Lucy. Since then, twenty-five to thirty-five paintings have been attributed to the same hand. He may have trained Spanish students at his studio in Bruges. Many of them are characterized by views of the city of Bruges in the background, and can be dated according to the level of construction of its belfry. He may have trained with Dieric Bouts, and was certainly influenced by Bruges' greatest artist at the time, Hans Memling. This is the central panel:


  1. Bruges is a trip, eh.

    I..wanderjahr'd by there quite a few years ago. Gargoyles at dusk, and Dunkel...Many touristas, but like a Bosch vision or somethin'. The dutch mariner's church quite intense as well. I don't recall much Ahht--except the Michelangelo in the Kirche.

  2. Bruges is an amazing place. I've only been there once, but we are planning to go back again. We are negotiating a 2 week "house exchange" with friends who have a restored ancient house in central Amsterdam...they will come here, live in the country and We will get to hang out there.
    I hope my dog can deal with it.
