Friday, December 17, 2010

WOrD DECEMBeR 17, 2010


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Hi Microdot,

    I hope you don't mind a special request. The holiday season just isn't the same without your traditional posting of the cutting edge Christmas decorations of your neighbor. The man is a true artist and I've yet to see a crèche which symbolizes the true meaning of the holiday more so than Chuckie in a donkey planter. The anticipation is tortuous. I would gladly reimburse you should you stop with a gift for the old gent. Maybe some fragrant balm, a bottle of wine, or frankenstein.
    Thanks for any consideration.

    Yours in showy displays.


  2. I was up in Cherviex-Cubas just a few days ago and it seemed that the annual Christmas display was beginning to take place...We'll go up and take a pic whenit's ready... perhaps tomorrow, because I am going on my annual scraggly juniper tree cutting quest up on the causse....
    He was so charming last year, he invited us into his house and we sent him copies of the pictures....
    A real true, if you could have seen the interior of his house.
