Saturday, December 11, 2010

Zappadan 2010

I realize that I have been amiss in failing to be aware of the beginning of the annual Festival of Zappadan, which began on December 4th. This will be my 4th annual observance of the sacred ritual and to make up for my slovenly ignorant lack of fervor, I, the unpleasant and unfortunate unctuous acolyte humbly post this version of what looks to be a 1969 mutant live video of The Mothers Of Invention performing Frank Zappas' snappy little composition,  Uncle Meat ...I give it an easy 11.5 and think it warrants a new dance craze.


  1. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Please come and visit our Zappadan Facebook page.

  2. here, officer, have a bun...
    or perhaps, you'd like 20 small cigars?
