Saturday, January 08, 2011


Jane Birkin, 2003 from her recording Arabesque in which she reinterprets compositions by her late husband, Serge Gainsbourgh in the context of Middle Eastern Popular music. She toured the middle east with this ensemble and did many free shows in Palestine. Garr... and I am still obsessed with her ever since I snuck into a movie theater when I was 16 in Grosse Pointe, MI and lied about my age to see Blow Up.....


  1. C'mon gang in only 19 hits, we hit the magic number's 2:37 CET!

  2. In an effort to add to your hit list...
    You snuck into an Antonioni film? Wow... my first "lied about my age" movie was "Easy Rider"...

  3. make me feel aged...I was street legal. so to speak when I saw Easy Rider....I also had to lie to see "The Producers" when it came out...

  4. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I lied to get into "Clockwork Orange" when I was 14 or 15. I was a huge Kubrick fan and had seen all his films. Hell, my father and step-mother took me to see "2001: A Space Odyssey" when I was eight. So upon telling this to the couple in front of me at "Clockwork", they bought my ticket for me. My mother was furious when she found out.

  5. Cheezo pizza! I was 17 when Space Odyssey came out and was tripping on Owsley Purple LSD, which I was dealing, when I saw it in Detroit..Is my obsession with Birkin a symptom of senility? Or what?
    I saw Clockwork Orange in Toledo and became a huge fan of Anthony Burgess later...
    I admired all of Kubricks work, except for Eyes Wide Shut which I feel actually contributed to his demise. He was obsessed with the film, the voyeuristic eroticism that in the end he realized was his personal addiction.
    He made an embarrassingly expensive bad film which wasn't even good porn.

  6. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I wasn't able to sit through "Eyes Wide Shut" - from what I was able to view, it was a huge let-down for such a force in cinema. I never saw "2001" on acid, though I was ripped for a few viewings of it. Seeing it at the age of eight planted the seed for me wanting to be a film-maker later in life. I'd say it was a huge influence on my early life.

  7. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Just remembered another episode from buddy and I had to lie about our ages (we were 14 at the time) in order to get into a "Planet of the Ages" marathon screening (all five films) at a theater on 42nd Street. An adult had to buy our ticket...go figure. But we did see all five films in a single sitting.
