Sunday, January 16, 2011

Forever Was Just A Few Years Ago

This is a picture of a rosette design carved in the stone of my barn by a friend from New York, just 6 years ago. He's a professional stone carver among many other things and he executed in only a few hours. The stone is the rather friable red sandstone everything around here is built from. I looked at it yesterday and saw the moss growing on it and realized that it looked as if it had always been here forever.....


  1. My Great-great Grandfather was a stonecutter. His work is still on display to the luckey few who happen to own any of the milestones between Woodville Ohio and Perrysburg.

  2. Sadly no. I do know a guy who has one in his front yard as a decoration but, he won't let go of it...I don't blame him.
