Tuesday, January 04, 2011

I don't like it

I was messing around with blogger template designer today and somehow made a mess.
I have to put everything back to where it was yesterday...bear with me, please....


  1. a few days ago I tried to use bloggers new background template to install one of my own photos as a background. It looked easy, so I gave it a try. Turns out you need a degree in advanced HTML to make it happen, and in a few short minutes I turned my blog into a pile of unrecognizable poop and had deleted all of my posts.
    Took me the better part of an hour to reconstruct things, and in the meantime my wife heard a torrent of profanities from this office unlike any since Bush was in the White House.
    Looks fine to me, by the way. You oughta let it be... word to the wise!

  2. I liked the basic black look I had yesterday. I was trying to expand my usable space...
    It diddled around and the YouTube posts were out of whack...but now there okay. I can't get the YouTube screens to work like they did in the old format.
    It's been a mind bending day. I had an ultimately rewarding French Bureaucracy experience. I expected the worst and only had the most helpful people at the Prefecture. I try to speak French when ever I can and I stop people when they feel that they are making me more comfortable by speaking some kind of English...but the guy I was dealing with was an ex NATO officer and spoke impeccable English and wanted to and told me how much he enjoyed conversing with me in English. So I humored him....

  3. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I also have had trouble with the Blogger templates. You almost do need a degree in HTML to do anything constructive. While I'm not completely satisfied with my template now, I know better, until I have some assistance, to fool around with it. The last time was a mess. This looks good, however.

  4. well, I just looked at it on google chrome and it actually works....too bad that the performance seems to be a browser related issue.
