Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lady McPalin

As we saw yesterday in her little facebook drama queen performance, It's all about Sarah.
I am beginning to think that even her staunchest defenders are getting a little tired of this shit.
Cheezopizza, blood libel...give us a break.


  1. Hello Microdot,
    Love the video clip…..I see her in no less than this character.

  2. Sadly, there are millions of people living here who think that she's well-qualified to sit in the Oval Office. God help us!!!

  3. What ever the numbers might really be, they are shrinking hourly. It will never happen. Here in Europe, Palin is less liked than the radiation from Chernobyl and is seen as just if not more dangerous.

  4. Somehow, Ronald Reagan not only became President, but was elected twice.

    As was Dubious George Bush.

    I'd love to believe that people in the US are coming to their senses, but think of how many mass shootings there have been and gun control is getting laxer.

  5. Actually, if I look at this flash animation for more than 20 seconds, I start to exhibits Tourettes Syndrome symptoms.....

  6. "Sadly, there are millions of people living here who think that she's well-qualified to sit in the Oval Office. God help us!!!"

    YOU seem to think she could be or, else you'd have dismissed her into obscurity long ago!

    Sarah Palin might not sit well with you but, YOU are the ones who have kept her alive in politics long after her flash in the pan burnt out.

    She's that hot girl in high school who wouldn't date you. You hated her for it but can't stop thinking about her either!

  7. Who are you taking to the 2012 Prom, Sepp?

  8. "She's that hot girl in high school who wouldn't date you."
    Heee hee hee...I won't even go there....but frankly it's more like the burnt out babe in the back of my van who kept comin' back for more!

    I hate to say this, but this comment says a lot more about you than me or Palin.

  9. That crazy twitch makes her so endearing. I just want to squeeze her - preferably, with a rope...
