Monday, January 03, 2011

or perhaps...

....a litte more realistically speaking, how about Alan Grayson for president in 2012? Not that Grayson has made any statements which could be even wildly construed to indicate he has this intention, but current Beltway consensus holds that the 2012 race, like 2010, will be a referendum on the economy.
But what if the war in Afghanistan, which is now receiving its lowest public support in the latest public polling, which Barack Obama has embraced, deteriorates dramatically, requiring a delay in troop withdrawal, or worse, force another escalation?
Democratic anti-war sentiment has so far been a sleeper issue, but it wouldn't take much at this point for the faithful to turn rebellious. The early caucuses are in New Hampshire and Iowa, where anti-war sentiment runs high. 
Grayson has always been careful about criticizing Obama directly. He has always argued for the most liberal positions, but in the end, has taken pragmatic positions and supported final compromise legislation, until the tax cut vote, when he joined other dissident Democrats in writing a public letter to the president and opposing the measure.
He may be out of office temporarily, but he has become a popular talking head and will keep a high public profile.......


  1. While I admire Grayson for his ability to irk the living shit out of conservatives AND for having the balls to tell it like it is instead of the way the political left wants it said, he's the least electable Democrat in America in a general election. Dennis Kucinich would fare better (not that DK wouldn't make a great prez, it's just that he's not EVER going to attract the independent center necessary to gain the office)

    Grayson needs to reposition himself for another election cycle, perhaps by making regular guest appearances of MSNBC, or by bashing the enemy where it lives by showing up on Faux News as often as McCain does!

  2. Well, I asked, How about it?
    I like Kucinich very much....
    Too bad it looks as if he will be out of a regular job soon as well. The New Republican majority in Ohio is busy redistricting Cleveland and his district is in line to be eliminated!

  3. Republicans on a redistricting rampage...

    We have freedom but we no longer have a democracy.

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Do we have freedom? I'm not so sure any more. And we haven't had a democracy in quite some time.
