Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hoe voelt het om te leven in een wereld die is te belachelijk om zelfs voorstellen dat de WitKar? Als u alle niet zo'n egoïstische schokt, kan je leven op een planeet waar iedereen kon komen waar ze wilden, gaan in elke stad, met uit het vernietigen van het milieu .... maar terug naar je idiote consumenten hebzucht verbruikt levensstijl die reeds in uitvoering ....

The Dutch Witkar, a system beyond bike sharing involving an advanced computer controlled technology for it's time, started in 1969. It, of course, had developmental problems that were mainly based on destination based traffic flow, but it is now being revived. Technology has gone way beyond the original concept. It is over 30 years into the future....
Remember, inspiration is most often the product of obsession....


  1. I think I need some of my Dutch buddies to do a critique of my Dutch text....I posted it and then I just ran it through google translation and found that it kind of says what I wanted to...but.........

  2. Did you mention, innovation? Sorry, we don't use that word any longer here in America.
