Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blue Butterfly

This was sent to me by someone posting as anonymous, but the flicker page is by someone named art2science. It was posted in a comment on the last Duchamp post I did and it is an amazing image and I would like to repost it and dedicate the image to my friend, the person who posted here under the tag SR who was great admirer of Marcel Duchmap as well. The image is based on Duchamps most famous painting, probably one of the most important pieces of modern art, Nude Descending A Staircase.
Duchamp would have approved.
SR died on Friday morning after a long brave battle with lung cancer. She was my wife's best friend for at least 50 years and made my life infinitely richer for the last 25 years. A true artist in all things she did.
I will write more about SR later...I already have in this blog, but, I want to let her family contact people who should know first.

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