Friday, February 11, 2011

HELP WANTED: Vampire Infestation Expert

The most tragic aspect of Hosni Mobarak's little performance last night was that it only illustrated the reality that you cannot politely ask an evil despotic blood sucking monster to leave. It is so incredibly tragic to see the Egyptians attempting to conduct themselves non violently, to have a civilized revolution.
Mubarak's melodrama yesterday was the result of the behind scenes maneuvering by the powerful cliques inside Mubarak's NDP Party inner circle and the factions in the military. The bizarre speech he gave seemed tailored to placate and polarize the rural population which only has access to the State Television and provoke the demonstrators into committing acts of violence which he could then justify using brutal force.
It only goes to prove that you cannot politely ask a soulless vampire to leave, a stake must be driven through his demonic heart. Let's hope that it is the Egyptian Military who have the expertise and the nerve to do it with in the next 48 hours, because now we are on the brink....


  1. Will Garlic Help ?

  2. Hopefully the news on al Jazeera is correct and he's stepped down. What happens next will probably define our foreign policy in the region for the next decade.

  3. Yes, it's correct. I'm watching it live on Al Jazeera with live ABC and NBC coverage. Al Jazeera has been crippled by it's ability to really work in Cairo because its studios were destroyed and equipment stolen by the Mubarak thugs earlier this week, so their ability to transmit images is a little behind the capabilities of the American networks who have been safely in hiding.
    American foreign policy? During this entire experience, America has been a few steps behind reality. Everyone has been behind reality. Each day has been the morning after for the Egyptian people. Last night I heard the Israeli ambassador to the UN on BBC and it was like he finally got it...
    Even the Israelis are beginning to catch up to reality.
    Project all you want, but your projections are pretty much worthless if you aren't keeping your eye on the horizon, because the Egyptians sure as hell are.
