Friday, February 04, 2011

woRD feBRuaRY 4, 2011


  1. Actually, I wouldn't be too terrified if that were the case for me, specifically, because we were a bunch of thinking-radicals, driven to that point by the dictatorial practices of our teachers.

  2. Well, over the course of my high school experience, I went to 4 very different high schools. The first 2 were in Detroit, then I kind of was forced by reality, to drop out.... The Third was Clay High in Oregon, Ohio. I was dragged out of there by Oregon detectives, and spent a week in jail, I will not go into details. The fourth was Scott High Night School...which convinced me that education could be a good thing...the next thing I knew, I was a student at the University of Toledo, which I worked full time to pay for. If I had to go by only the people I knew at Clay High in Oregon, Ohio, I would be very much inclined to agree totally with Mr. Vonnegut's quote.

  3. My class ran the gamut from Manson's gang to Vietnam dead to General Sessions Judges... we'd have probably messed things up every bit as badly as the current crop in DC, now that I reconnect with some of them on FaceBook and realize why I didn't care for their company back then, either.

    Vonnegott was brilliant.

  4. Fuck Yeah Facebook! I opened an account to keep in touch with some of my younger relatives in Ohio for fun...I had opened an account years ago and closed it and now facebook is trying to introduce me to myself with a friend one ever dies on facebook, remember that they just sort of stop tweeting.

  5. Hello All,
    For the most part I too would not be too terrified for the most part as I too had a class full of clear thinking radicals. Now that being said, can you imagine the laughs and jokes that went through the classmates of George W. Bush? I can hear them now, “Wow!!! What a Cluster F*%K!!! And they made him President?!?!?”
