Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Hills Are Alive

Well, I have had my brain and body hijacked by this spring weather...I am in the midst of painting my house against the calendar! It's 70 degrees here and sunny, every day...all weeks long. I have to replant all the strawberry plants...I had to go bike riding...my dog needs to go into the forest and chase shit...it's not fair! I have trouble thinking deep thoughts about anything! So, today, I realized that it has been at least a year since I posted anything with Vivian Stanshall in it. I looked at YouTube and suddenly, this jumped out! A little compilation of Stanshall including a piece I have never ever seen before of his post Bonzo band, BIG GRUNT! They perform his composition, 11 Mustachioed Daughters. Roger Ruskin Spears created the costumes and props. Roger is still teaching art in England. He was an amazing utter musical dada anarchist who created costumes and kinetic art which he incorporated into the Bonzos as well as his own bands in the video, Roger plays electric spoons and the leg...So we have Big Grunt, a performance of The Monster Mash by the Bonzos proper and finally, their exquisite rendition of experience of The Sound Of Music. No one does anything like this anymore....alas....

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