Sunday, March 20, 2011


I wish I could stop worrying and learn to love the bomb--and the bombers. But I can't. The idea is absurd to me as Stanley Kubrick so brilliantly portrayed it in his movie, Dr. Strangelove. Last night, The U.S. fired 112 tomahawk missiles, each costing $569,000 as a "wake up call" to Colonel Moammar Gadaffi. That's more than 8 years of NPR federal funding in less than an hour. That's some serious fucked up priorities to me. 
All the more "poignant" when you realize that Friday was the 8th Anniversary of the Iraqi Invasion.
I guess I really have to post the last scene from the movie now...
Mein Fuhrer, I Can Walk! 


  1. George C. Scott as General Buck Turgeson, "I wish we had us one of those doomsday machines..."

  2. Still one of the most brilliant satires that goes so far beyond satire! One of the very best movies, ever!±

  3. I re-watched the film recently. It was greater than I'd remembered.

    I agree with you about the new war or whatever it's gonna turn out to be. I hate all that global policing the US keeps doing.

  4. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Wonderful post. Strangelove, haven't seen it in years! Now I shall re-watch!
