Monday, March 28, 2011

self portrait

James Ensor, Self Portrait
James Ensor (1860-1949) was an enigmatic link between expressionism and surrealism. He was born of English and Flemish parents and actually was a titled Baron. A gifted musician, whose composition on the Harmonium are stilled performed, Ensor became a painter and print maker. His work is subversive and insolent...witty and intense. Crowd scenes bordering upon anarchy were his penchant. If you are interested in exploring the work of this quiet subversive genius, you can begin with his great satirical painting, The Entry of Christ Into Brussels.....


  1. Nothing to do with the post, but I thought of you when I saw this one.

  2. I enjoyed the nostalgia boat ride on the detroit river and your friends blog!

  3. very interesting piece... thx for introducing me to ensor

    "subversive and insolent.." cheers to that!

    one love, one struggle,
    -Rev M

  4. I was surprised to see that he lived to 109. He lived through the World Wars and refused to move from his home in Belgium. Very interesting figure.
