Monday, March 14, 2011

This Will Always Be My Favorite Planet!

On January 30th, I posted a piece about Japan's Shinmoedake Volcano, which is part of the greater Kirishima Volcano complex in South Western Japan. The Shinmoedake Volacano had not experienced a major event since the late 18th Century. In January, the volcano roared into action spectacularly.
The eruption had calmed down and seemed to have subsided, but today, Shinmoedake roared back into action. I empathize with Japan and support all actions for relief...I am installing a link to the Pray For Japan site for donations to all of the agencies on the ground providing aid.
TOKYO (AP) — As Japan struggles with the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in the north, a volcano in southern Japan has resumed eruptions. Japan's Meteorological Agency has issued a warning saying that mountain is shooting out gas, boulders and ash after a couple weeks of inactivity. The volcano is located nearly 1,000 miles from the epicenter of Friday's magnitude 8.9 earthquake.
But, in response to all of the idiots who are using this to promote an "END TIMES" far as I'm concerned this is evidence that we live on a relatively young geologically live planet. The Earth will keep on going for billions and billions of years...we are the intelligent little micro organisms who managed to evolve here, but it's our responsibility to Pay Attention and Watch Our Step! 
There have been 5 major specie extinctions recorded geologically on this planet, as far as we puny humans have been able to observe, if there is a 6th, well, we more than likely will do it to ourselves......

1 comment:

  1. But, in response to all of the idiots who are using this to promote an "END TIMES" far as I'm concerned this is evidence that we live on a relatively young geologically live planet.

    But, Microdot, their Science Book opens with, "In the beginning God..."

    What else can you expect?

    By the way, I'm currently wading through a real mind-bending book, The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos by Brian Greene. I often find myself re-reading whole sections just to abosrb these many new concepts that physicists are kicking around these days.

    Right now I'm in a chapter on 'quilted, inflated and deflated multiverses.' Whoa!
