Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shovelin' Shit.....

direct hit!
almost 2 tons of nicely aged horse manure
then the soil gets cultivated
The season is in full swing here. I spent most of the day occupied with horse shit...My neighbors are mad, they rehabilitate abused horses. At times, on various plots of land around here, they have up to 22 horses. Needless to say, this is an endless source of "black gold".  So, I filled a tractor bin 5 times with the priceless substance and then dumped the piles in the newly turned over garden and proceded to distribute it with a pitchfork. Then my friend Marius came by with is tractor with the newly repaired cultivator and finely mixed it all in. Just in time, because every one here knows that today is the day you have to plant potatoes! So today, I plant potatoes.....
my doggie, J Edgar wanted to get on the blog....


  1. You won't believe how closely our lives intersect today...

    I've spent the entire day hauling and shoveling mushroom dirt (another pretty name for manure that was used to raise mushrooms before it ended up at the nursery) all over my garden. We got our truck stuck and had to move the last "yard" of material from the trailer to the garden by wheelbarrow... I won't go into THAT ordeal.

    I'm letting it age a bit in the sun before I till it into the topsoil of our garden. We hope to plant tomatoes, herbs, peppers, and maybe okra/squash/cukes/cantalope next Monday... if the weather forecast leaves out a late frost.

    Can't believe you're shoveling shit the same day I'm shoveling shit...

    good luck with the garden!!!!!!

  2. Can't believe you're shoveling shit the same day I'm shoveling shit...

    As I am sadly not a gardner, the only shit that I watch being shoveled is on CNN when they cover the GOP.
