Sunday, April 17, 2011

Somewhere In The Snow, Sarah Screeches

Yesterday in an April snowstorm in Madison, Wisconsin, the Tea Baggers tried to hold a Corporate sponsored rally. They bussed in their usual crowd of zombies to create their special media effect of a simulated popular movement and had Andrew Breitbart and Sarah Palin as their special attractions.
But unfortunately, things went a little skrewy as thousands more anti TeaBaggers showed up and drowned out Breitbarts effervescent effluence which drove him to wittingly scream "Go To Hell" repeatedly at the crowd. Then Sarah came out......
You know, the saying goes, "Everytime a Rethuglican wails about Angry Liberals, an angel gets his wings". Sometimes, it's a wonderful life.


  1. Hello Microdot,
    And yet not one word was mentioned of this on nightly news.

  2. Yeah, I saw the coverage from the viewpoints of both CNN and FOX. I guess CNN is just FOX light theses days. It only goes to demonstrate the seriousness of the infection, the depth of the corruption of mainstream media by corporate manipulation...
    That is why I have no faith in anything but my own moral compass anymore. Belief and trust are concepts I can personally relate to, but faith? The epitome of hypocrisy....

  3. Microdot- your 'take' on this rally is perfect! Numskulls one and all.
