Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Break

Due to the rather precocious spring we are enjoying here, nature seems to have gotten a jump start. Everything is early. I just received a call from Chateau Vieux Chevrol, where I have been involved in various medieval aspects of viticulture for the last 10 years, informing me that the vines were ready for l'ebourgeonage. So, I am going to a little place outside of Libourne called Neac which is the heart of the Lalande Pomerol area and spend the next week of so with a group of 6 people cleaning and removing the excess buds from 21 hectares of grape vines. Usually it starts in May. 
So, I am packing and getting ready for the little train trip from my local station in Condat and will be out of civilization for the time being. The video is of the area where I work, a little view of the vine country around the village of Pomerol. I also included a video of views of St. Emilion, which is very nearby and I visit often when I am working at Vieux Chevrol.
 A bientot, toute le monde!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! In another lifetime I used to spend quite a bit of time there. I remember how beautiful it was.
