Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zdob&Zdub - So Lucky - Moldova Eurovision 2011 (Semifinal 2)

I know this makes me officially demented, but as a popular culture junkie, I have to admit that I watched the entire Eurovision telecast last night. Perhaps there is a 12 step program I can join?
To my utter horror, but I am always horrified by the winner of Eurovision, it was some god awful song by a mis matched duet from the hell named Azerbaijan. The English as usual had to wake up this morning to their national shame and France? well the nicest thing I can say is the performance by the smarmy, egotistical tenor of the nondescript unhummable phony operatic aria demonstrated once again why France has no real allies in The European Union. Hungary was a nightmare of tacky harshness, a place where all costumes were made by hand by a mutant named Mr. Lazlo from the same bolt of bargain basement eleganza acrylic brand satinoid fabric and Romania combined so many elements of bad music, bad taste and bad attitude with just the extra special unfortunate mix of heavy metal rapping featuring english as a second language into one over the edge performance that  had to set some sort of record for just plain wrong. On the other hand, Ireland had a high energy punk techno twin group that was full of humor and Italy was the class act with a great Jazz pianist singer that was a credit to every sleazy Italian Lounge act on the ever to grace the stages of Las Vegas.
But, Moldava should have won. A band named Zdob&Zdub that incorporated humor, attitude with a stage presence that was like seeing The Beastie Boys dressed as cute little garden dwarves...they were surreal!


  1. Hello Microdot,
    Yes, Beastie Boys dressed as Yard Gnomes is a good description….this plus the girl on the unicycle is the only thing they have going for them…..NOT!!!!

    Are they trying to be DEVO and just fell short?

    Being Euro..."Golden Earring" they are not.

  2. How bad is Eurovision? It is so predictable that a musicologist from Leeds Uniersity has figured out the winning formula.

    To cut spiiting Image's Chicken SOng down:

    Yes. you'll hear this song in the holiday discos
    And there's no escape in the clubs or in the bars
    You would hear this song if you holidayed in Mars

    Now you've heard it once
    Your brain will spring a leak
    And though you hate this song
    You'll be humming it for weeks

  3. No, I don't think that they were trying to be DEVO...I kinda liked the eastern european horn thing and ther humor they had going.
    I did hear 2 DEVO songs in The Scorcese film, Casino last night. What a great sound track.
    Eurovision is something distinctly European...most of the music is utter trash crafted specifically for the competition. Every once in a while there is a spark of originality, but I can guarantee that it will never win.
    As I said, watching this probably classifies me as being officially demented, but I've never claimed to be anything but that....

  4. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Hi Microdot,

    That was a sweet act. It brought up memories of my favorite Gong Show act. There was this fat guy dressed in a bee costume. He awkwardly rode a unicycle while playing an accordion. He didn't play accordion well either. He was hooked in record time. An injustice that still burns like Greek fire.

