Sunday, June 05, 2011

Perhaps, The Aliens Will Save Us....

That seems to be the attitude of the Japanese Government and TEPCO in the last few weeks. They keep down playing the disaster and giving projected dates for meeting goals in resolving the problems, then the news gets out that the catastrophe is much worse, and the dates they gave have to be "changed" in light of new developments. Like an imminent hurricane, or the fact that humans can't function in the protective gear they have to wear to risk radiation exposure in the heat of summer....
They are dousing the reactors in sea water to cool them, the sea water has to be stored, but they give no figures about how much water is leaking back into the ocean. There wasn't a meltdown, oh, wait, there was a fact there were three separate meltdowns and the situation is getting worse.
The disaster has been upgraded to the highest possible nuclear accident rating, but, wait...It's not as bad as Chernobyl!
Here's a video from just 2 days ago from the Fukushima #1 Reactor. It seems pretty innocuous, just leaking steamy pipes, but it is what is going on now...the radiation levels in the plant are higher than they have ever been before. The estimate is that the levels in the air were at 4000 millisieverts per hour, the equivalent to 40,000 chest x rays.  This is steam venting from a system that is self destructing. The heat is generated from the melting fused fuel rods that have gone critical and melted through the reactor bottom, boiling off the water being used to cool them as fast as it can be pumped. The steam goes into the atmosphere carrying the highest yet recorded doses of radiation.

Let's face it, the evidence is in. Pay attention because soon it will be too late. This is bigger than Chernobyl. Japan is fucked. The future of Japan is going to about learning how to live with industrial nuclear devastation. If there is a lesson to be learned here, it is the one that sane scientists and environmentalists have been trying to teach for the last 60 years. There is no such thing as safe nuclear energy. If we want to move forward, we have to draw a line in the sand and emulate Germany and Switzerland, two countries which have boldly stepped forward to definitively ban any new development and dismantle their old  nuclear power system. If we had spent a fraction of what we have wasted on nuclear energy on the advancement of passive energy technology, this would be a totally different world.
There are no Alien beings coming to save us, we have to save ourselves.
The nuclear power industry has to be branded and identified as the insane planetary destructive dead end criminal pursuit that it truly is.  Where do you start? How can you make a difference? How long before we discover that we are all considered collateral damage and expendable at the bottom profit line of the industry? To wait any longer is too late...I realize that I devote a lot of space to my feelings about the need to eliminate nuclear power, but in many ways, I feel it is the gravest threat to the future of the human race, and the one thing we can actually do something about. Hunor me....
The future of clean energy is now, it is here, we just have to demand it!
Because, to not care, to give up and say it is no use, is to admit defeat and we are far from defeated.
We still have the means, the power to save ourselves. We just need the will.
You can learn a lot from GreenPeace here.


  1. Well, the solutions aren't coming from the governments for whatever reason.

    Although Alien Commander Omd I and the UNIVERSAL SPACE ALIEN PEOPLES ASSOCIATION haven't been too good about responding to my request for help either!

  2. Laci, maybe they'll listen to me...I know how to talk to these people...I use an old SNCF train lantern with flashing red and green lights....
