Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Raiders Of The Lost Sphincter...

I try hard not to mention the name of the media whore master, Ben Gleck, but sometimes, it is inevitable.
Here he is shamelessly choking his dead chicken of a program and trying to shill his Reeleee Big Money Making Media sideshow Rally to Restore Courage in Jerusalem. He's getting a cut from the travel agencies and selling tickets to his reelee beeg shoe....
Is this more predictable? Is this more panderingly desparate? Can I get a witness? Now Holy Joe Lieberman  has jumped on board the Love/Hate Train.
Listen, if there was a god,the beeg finalee to the spectacle would probably go a little like this: 


  1. well any event Bleck is involved in is always suspect...but as far as the Raiders of the Ark ending... listening to Lieberman's drone is surely the most horrible torture to endure.

  2. I'll have to repost my night of the living lieberman film poster....
