Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sorry, I was trying to write about Michelle Bachmann and this song kept running through my head.


  1. I hear "Mrs. Robinson" in the hope that history will repeat and Michelle will do the same thing that Iris Robinson did for the Ulter Unionist Party.

  2. Hello Microdot,
    I think I would vote for the mouse before I would vote for Michelle Bachmann. Am I being a BAD Republican?!?

  3. Not at all, EoK. I think the BAD Republicans are the "religious right" types who have hijacked the Republican Party.

  4. I wish I coud write more now, but my brain is off line until Friday! Tomorrow, I spend the day in Bordeaux and I have to be as fluent as I can be in French....
    Fucking bureaucracy! I will show them!
    Actually, it's going to be a fun afternoon demonstrating how "integrated" I am into french society. You wanna hear me sing La Marseillaise?

  5. Tom Petty has had his attorneys send Bachmann a cease and desist order because she was using his song "American Girl" at her rallies... The Cheese Roll Call works better for her, actually, if she can't get the theme music from "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest"...
