Thursday, July 21, 2011


And this song is dedicated to The Republican Congressman from the pathetic State of Florida, Alan West, who in the same day called Obama supporters a threat to the gene pool and then rather bitchily attacked Florida Democrat Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz for her criticism of his support of the Cut, Cap and Balance Tea Party approach to the debt ceiling which would seriously increase the costs of Medicare for his own constituents. West fired off a rather snotty tirade in a letter which among other things called Wasserman Schultz "vile, unprofessional and despicable" that "she wasn't a lady" and to "shut the heck up". This wasn't the first time that West went off on a rampage against Wasserman Schultz. He has regularly used his column in Miami Mike's Wheels On The Road biker magazine to express his misogynistic hate filled views.
So, here is Ben l'Oncle Soul channeling Otis in his brilliant cover of Cee Lo Green's hit with Gnarls Barkely, Crazy! Ben is a great young Parisian musician who just signed with Motown....


  1. Call me........crazy, but the video reminded me irresistably of the Blues Brothers movies.

    Color me crazy, or maybe just nostalgic.

  2. Ben is very cool, he can be very old school R&B but very contemporary. He's got a great cover of White Stripes 7 Nation Army and is one of the few French artists who can actually write and sing French language R&B and make it sound real....
    He's still pretty young...I think he's 26 and started busking in the Paris Metro.
    I liked the Blues Bros...but they were the ultimate homage act. Belushi and Ackroyd were if anything, true fans and true believers and they did so much to re invigorate the interest in this true American musical heritage.
    Blues Bros were and till are very popular here in France. Me, I'm more of a Bootzilla kind of guy.
