Monday, July 11, 2011

Republicans For Voldemort!

In an unprecedented marketing coup, the final episode of the Harry Potter series, The Deathly Hallows part 2 and the first part of the sequel, The Undefeated, will open in American Theaters, on the same day! July 15th! This should certainly liven up a fairly moribund summer movie season.....


  1. I should send you a Republicans for Voldemort sticker!

    Let's see if they bugger the muggles in the US really badly!

  2. I had to google republicans for Voldemort and of course, it's such a natural idea. I'll have to post the link for the stickers! I still like my poster better!

  3. Hello Microdot,
    Have you been a bad boy with photo shop again? ;-)

  4. Hey Mr. Engineer! I haven't had a working version of photoshop for a few months, which has cramped my style, but I just got this open source program called GIMP and I'm figuring out how to use it. It's a cranky program and I can't seem to get it to do some of the stuff I'm used to doing with photoshop, but I'm getting the hang of it!
    Stay tuned!
