Saturday, July 16, 2011

You Need Us More Than We Need You...Just Fuckin' Sayin...

If only Joe Pesci could do a voice over for a pro Union Ad...
Maybe America would finally get it!
This video was sent around in 2009 by Eric Cantor as his idea of a joke!
He thought perhaps that he was making a funny about linking the Unions and the Mafia and perhaps a little ethnic stereotyping? 
But, Eric, you are so fucking naive...I think this video should go viral. It makes the point about Unions fighting the deregulation crapola that little weasely fucks like Cantor are trying to shove down our throats, for their own personal gain.  It does it with style and in the language most Americans truly understand, except for little naive lilly white elitist jerks like Cantor.


  1. I couldn't agree with you any more. This vid makes me support the unions since I wouldn't trust private industry to police itself. As I said at Mucky's:

    The problem is that the reality was that business would cut corners and not care about safety–hence the pure food and drug act of 1906. During the nineteenth century, much of the food consumed by the working-class family was adulterated by foreign substances, contaminated by chemicals, or befouled by animal and human excrement. A.S. Wohl points out that

    to look back nostalgically and assume, for example, that the bread which formed the staff of life was home-baked, or, if bought, was wholesome and nutritional, is romantic nonsense. By the 1840s home baked bread had died out among the rural poor; in the small tenements of the urban masses, unequipped as these were with ovens, it never existed. In 1872 Dr. Hassall, the pioneer investigator into food adulteration and the principal reformer in this vital area of health, demonstrated that half of the bread he examined had considerable quanities of alum. Alum, while not itself poisonous, by inhibiting the digestion could lower the nutritional value of other foods.

    The list of poisonous additives reads like the stock list of some mad and malevolent chemist: strychnine, cocculus inculus (both are hallucinogens) and copperas in rum and beer; sulphate of copper in pickles, bottled fruit, wine, and preserves; lead chromate in mustard and snuff; sulphate of iron in tea and beer; ferric ferrocynanide, lime sulphate, and turmeric in chinese tea; copper carbonate, lead sulphate, bisulphate of mercury, and Venetian lead in sugar confectionery and chocolate; lead in wine and cider; all were extensively used and were accumulative in effect, resulting, over a long period, in chronic gastritis, and, indeed, often fatal food poisoning. Red lead gave Gloucester cheese its ‘healthy’ red hue, flour and arrowroot a rich thickness to cream, and tea leaves were ‘dried, dyed, and recycled again.’

    As late as 1877 the Local Government Board found that approximately a quarter of the milk it examined contained excessive water, or chalk, and ten per cent of all the butter, over eight per cent of the bread, and 50 per cent of the gin had copper in them to heighten the color.

    Indeed, as Wohl further points out, even luxury items for the relatively well off were hardly any better. The London County Country Medical Officer discovered, for example, the following in samples of ice cream: cocci, bacilli, torulae, cotton fiber, lice, bed bugs, bug’s legs, fleas, straw, human hair, and cat and dog hair. Such contaminated ice cream caused diphtheria, scarlet fever, diarrhoea, and enteric fever. “The Privy Council estimated in 1862 that one-fifth of butcher’s meat in England and Wales came from animals which were ‘considerably diseased’ or had died of pleuro-pneumonia, and anthacid or anthracoid diseases.”

    Do you trust private industry to safeguard the health and environment given its track record?

  2. There's more, this is just the beginning of the self inflicted biblical damnation of Eric Cantor...
    For starters, the little asshololic weasel, who originally disseminated this video, laced liberally with the "f" word actually had the nerve to pontificate with this quote:

    Cantor once said: “The use of obscenity…should not and cannot be tolerated. As a parent, I share the concerns of many regarding the level of offensive television and radio programs that are transmitted into our homes. The recent violations that have occurred disgusted not only me, but damage our society.”

    I say fuck him...the little weasly asshole prick!

  3. There's an interesting dynamic taking place in the House between Cantor and Boehner. One guy HAS to stand up and come to an agreement on the debt ceiling or risk having America lose it's credit standing, which would then be blamed squarely on his nicotine stinking shoulders. But Cantor is of this rare breed of obstinate pricks who won't budge on a matter of principle, and he cares not what happens because of it.

    We get to watch as the GOP implodes, and expect some of the assholes we're talking about to get "primaried" in the next House elections. The teabaggers are going to choke the Republican Party to death, and no one will have the sense to Heimlich them back to life.
    This is getting interesting...

  4. I agree with Laci, It would be hard for the private industry to police itself.
