Thursday, August 04, 2011



  1. Hooray! Hope you had a good time while you were away, but it's nice you're back.

    I just cross posted your youtube video above, by linking it on Penigma. I hope you have plenty of people coming over to see it here.

  2. I'm a little over whelmed today by my re entry into my little world. Lots of immediate work...see I have this huge vegetable's rained there are billions of weeds and ripe tomatoes, I had to cut the broccolli before it flowered and start on the lawn...and the upside of the rain is that suddenly there are cepes in forest...and not to mention black radishes ripe...I'll try to sort this all I got some kind of bureaucratic red tape stuff from the French governemnt...I have to go to the mayors office and fill out some kind of form they claim they need...they always need another form here...
    the woman in the mayors office claims they make it up as they go along...gahhhhhh.....
