Sunday, August 21, 2011


It is so damn hot here today...It's 3:45 and if I do my calculations right it is actually 112 degrees farenheit. So, I guess I have to put a lot of my outside activities on "hold" till it cools down. My dog says I should just get drunk, he;s usually right about things like this...but instead, I'm gonna listen to some Hoosier Hot Shots....
These guys were brilliant! What is this? Klezmer meets Country? 


  1. What the hell? Noticed you're a Jeff Beck and Zappa fan on your profile, so...just stopped by to take look. What a bizarre clip--though perhaps its just been shot to look old school? Anyway, unlike most of these blogs, I actually got a few minutes of entertainment, yo.

  2. No these guys were the real thing...go check them out on you tube...not enough documentation, but it's kinda like Williamsburg meets Tex Ritter....thanx fer stoppin by Lodo!
