Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Well, I think it's country night here at thebrainpolice. This is from the 1994 one of the greatest classic crossover recordings of all time, Rhythm, Country and Blues, a project conceived and produced by Don Was. This is the Clarence Carter tear jerker, Patches performed by George Jones and BB King, embellished with layers of unctuous strings and gratuitous emotion by Mr. Was....

1 comment:

  1. Hello Microdot,
    I thought that I would pass this on as it may be of some interest to you. My latest posting is titled:
    “An Important Dialogue On Counter Terrorism And National Security”

    It is being put on by Washington College and they always bring the best and knowledgeable speakers. There is an invitation to summit a question to be considered. You will find a lot of truthful facts and not "Bull Crap" from Blow Hard Radio or Fox.
