Sunday, September 04, 2011


Dave Thomas and Pere Ubu live from 1988. Thomas was one of the greatest rock vocalists ever.
He is pure surreal performance art.


  1. Ah, the old Night Music show. Never heard of Thomas or Pere Ubu, though I've been out of the loop a long time now. He sort of looks like Governor Christie of New Jersey (hope that's not too much of a buzzkill for ya!). Keep those good clips coming Microdot!

  2. Pere Ubu formed in the mid 70's in Cleveland. This was from their most "commercial" period. Still the twittery analogue synths keep the vibe going.
    Thomas is still active, he is did a musical film version of the Jarry play, Ubu Roi, the inspiration for the band's name and esthetic, oc course, with the Kray Bothers.
    One of the greatest proto ne wave, punk, dada art bands of all time. If you've never heard of them, perhaps get a hold of their first 1976 album, The Modern Dance.

  3. btw, I started to put together a post about Jarry and was trying to find some clips of performances of his UBU cycle plays when I found that there was a trove of Pere Ubu videos on youtube. They weren't there when I last looked.
    Jarry was a French writer/playwright from the 1880's who is really timeless in the most absurd sense...IN a way, this little demented choloroform addicted absinthe drinker who lived an incoherent fast and brilliantly stupid life invented the modern world.

  4. Think I like him already (ha!). Got some clips to check out.
