Friday, October 28, 2011

Support Scott Olsen

The latest news on the 24 year old Marine Vet, Scott Olsen, who served multiple tours in Iraq safely, only to be shot point blank by the Oakland Police in the head with a tear gas canister, is positive. 
Olsen is reportedly conscious, but suffering from speech difficulty but responding positively. He will require brain surgery once the swelling is relieved.
Oakland is preparing for a General Strike on this coming up Wednesday. 
This incident has made big news here in Europe. Frankly, after the lying spin of the Police Commissioner, who claimed that the noise of the flash bombs used by the police against the protestors was the sound of M-80 firecrackers being thrown at the police, (this was proven false repeatedly) demonstrated that he was totally incompetent.
Scott Olsen needs your support and financial help for his medical bills now! You can donate securely on line through Veterans for Peace, or Iraq Veterans Against War.
Do it and show your solidarity and you will demonstrate to the world that what we saw in Oakland is not the real America!

1 comment:

  1. Read where the mayor of Oakland was booed when she tried to address the Occupy rally after the violence. Olbermann has called on her to resign.
