Thursday, November 03, 2011

Bank Transfer Day

November 5, 2011 is the official Bank Transfer Day. The day that millions of Americans, fed up with the corrupt corporate giant banking system that does nothing for them will move their accounts to local community based banks and credit unions. 
I moved my money from Nat West in NYC to The Amalgamated years ago and never looked back, The Amalgamated is a Union Owned Bank, Americas Labor Bank, with branches in NYC, Washington DC, New Jersey, California and Nevada, is a full service bank, with no ATM Fees. I live in Europe and I have never enjoyed such one on one personal customer service with any financial organization that comes close to the relationship I have with the staff at the Union Square Branch of The Amalgamated. The Organization, Move Your Money, has provided resources to assit you if you want to participate in this movement. You can find a bank or credit union in your area and source the information about them and get tips and assistance in completing the transaction


  1. Dottie- Thanks for the heads up, unfortunately I can not partake. I have been going too a family run bank for years.

  2. But, you already did it...just like I did. Our participation in community run, human sized financial institutions only makes them stronger. There is no such thing as too big to fail. That's what revolution in the 21st Century is all about. Let O'Reilly and the rest rant about the unwashed lay about masses. They is us, we is them and we are bigger than the biggest behemoth. Murdoch is going under, if the big financial institutions have to go under, we will survive. It's social evolution. The best book I have read in the last year is Honey Bee Democracy by Thomas Seeley. It's not about politics, it's about insect behavior and the success of the interaction of bees and humans. t would seem that we have a lot to learn from bees as the natural path to collective evolutionary intelligence. If a hive of bees which in it's biological mass equals the weight of a human brain can work together and make the best decisions for survival of a community, then we humans are capable of much greater collective intelligence. Fuck The Banks!

  3. It would seem that we have a lot to learn from bees as the natural path to collective evolutionary intelligence.

    Great statement, Microdot! I just wrote a piece on low information voters and the bee metaphor seems to fit in nicely- except that the 'keeper' of the bees has an altogether different agenda than the bee.

    Here in The States, our TV's are inundated with commercials for the Big Banks. They emphasize how 'slick' their banks are, how dazzling their credit and debit cards are-- blue, gold, platinum! They show happy people buying their 'dream' commodities with one quick swipe of the card.

    We are an easily-fooled lot of people, suckers for slick advertising. And 'they' know how to direct the worker bees in their direction.

  4. We can't move the money on the 5th because the bank won't be open late enough on a Saturday to allow us to visit. But we'll take care of it tomorrow, the 4th. Already moved the direct deposit to a smaller bank (that doesn't charge a debit card fee) so we'll be saying adios to Bank of America as of tomorrow, officially.

  5. Dottie- You suggested that book months ago. I actually went out and bought it. I've only made it through ch.#1 thusfar. Would love to talk about it with you, when I am finished.

  6. Did you read the little anecdote Seeley drops on how his discovery in South East Asia of how bees keep their hives clean actually diffused an international incident in the Reagan years?

  7. No I didn't, that wasn't in the first chapter, was it? My problem is this Dottie, I am a terrible reader. In school, and even today, I have to read a book at least twice too fully comprehend it. Unfortunately, with my hectic schedule, this process will probably take me a month with my new book

  8. Well, I am using his plans to build bee boxes! I have quite enough space and tall trees to put up a few for the spring...We got these little black honey bees here, a little different than the standard honey bees, but I have a buddy who is now head of the Dordogne Bee Society who is giving me sage advice....I don't have to buy bees, I should be able to attract colonies just by building the boxes, putting them up in trees...but he is going to help me cheat by supplying pheromes... to attract the home hunting scouts!

  9. Sounds like your home will be a "Sweet" place to be, this time next year.
