Sunday, November 20, 2011


This is a truly strange year. Here is a photo of my cepe hunt in progress. I came home with almost 4 kilos!
Yesterday, my neighbor said that he had heard they were coming up, but the usual season should have ended
last month, and it was pitiful. Tomorrow, me and the doggie will be up and out at sunrise...
Perhaps tomorrow I will give you the recipe for Pintaude aux cepes. Tonight, though, the menu is set.
My wife is making tartiflette!


  1. I like this kind of Cepe as opposed to the type of sepp that is in the dark and spouts horseshit.

  2. Man, all hell was breaking loose here in the forest today. I got up at 7:30 ande by 8 am there were 6 cars parked up in the pasture. Old Vergne showed up and the little weasel Raffaillac and started to holler at teach other. I'm like the new guy...I've only lived here for 8 years? But I am the I kept out of their way. I picked up another 2 kilos of mushrooms, discreetly. This is the best year since 2006....maybe tomorrow it will calm down a bit and I can go over the creek with my dog. Cepes freeze well, so it's a great opportunity. I got an email from a friend in Paris who said that they were going for 60 Euros a kilo in the markets there. I can see why the little weasel, Raffaillac is suddenly so industrious...It's much more profitable than the casual cambriolage he usually engages in.
