Saturday, November 05, 2011

Deliberate Provocation

A discernable pattern of evidence is beginning to emerge. In fact it fits a classic mode of violent provocation to incite retaliation which is then used as as excuse for violent suppression. According to an article published in yesterday's Guardian, a second Iraq War Vet was injured by the Oakland Police. Kayvan Sahbehgi, who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan is in intensive care with a lacerated spleen after he was savagely beaten by Oakland Police in what looks like a totally unprovoked attack. He was not near the protest, walking alone on 14th Street when he was confronted by a group of Oakland Police who told him to move. When he asked them where he was supposed to move to and questioned them, they beat him and arrested him.
He was held in custody for 14 hours,  in such pain that he was unable to stand up. The police laughed at him and called him a drug addict and a diabetic despite his obvious symptoms.  Finally, after posting bail, he was taken to Highland Hospital where he was diagnosed with a lacerated spleen, put into intensive care where his is awaiting emergency surgery.
This comes only a week after the brain injury of Iraq War Vet, Scott Olsen at the hands of the Oakland Police in their over reactive, deliberately provocative attempt to intimidate the Occupy Oakland Protestors.
Of course, it would be ridiculous to state that Scott and Kayan were singled out because they were Vets. They are only a fraction of those illegally detained, arrested and injured in the suppression of the Occupy Movements all over the world. We see them because of their high profile status, they are just a few of the  vets, firefighters and yes, police who are putting their asses behind their beliefs. I totally support the Occupy Marines and Occupy Police Movements. 
In the last 72 hours, there have been at least 5 recorded incidents involving injuries of protestors by moving vehicles. In at least 2 of the cases, the evidence would seem to point at uncontrollable rage on the part of the driver. Last nights accident occurred in Washington DC when driver was stopped after striking protestors following the American For Prosperity "Dream Summit" . According to witnesses, he didn't honk, he just gassed his Mercedes and ran into a group of people. Amazingly enough, he was not arrested. Here's the live video:

The tactics of Mayor Monty Bloomberg of NYC have seemed to have gelled into a pattern of cruel treatment of the protestors and continual infiltration, harassment and provocation. The Occupants of Zuccotti Park are looking at the possibility of an imminent police action to clear the Park and the of course, it is November in NYC and after a freak snow storm last week, weariness is beginning to set in.
That seems to be the short term tactic of American cities. Wait it out, wait for winter. But, the winter may set in, but the network of communication and tactical planning has just started to evolve. That is why the uglier aspect of provocative violent suppression is the other side of the establishments tactics. Make people angry enough, create enough negative media propaganda and then crush them.
Meanwhile, last night in Paris:
 The Occupation de La Defense was violently broken up by the CRS. La Defense is the heart of the Parisian Financial center. The people in Paris are the true Les Idignes...and they are the children of les petit Parisiens...this is the beginning here in France. After all the spiritual father of the entire Occupy Movement is the 94 year old hero, Stephane Hessel!
Here's something I forgot to add to this post:  I really think that the strategy of the OWS Protesters in NYC that have been arrested to reject the group settlement, which would entail a "promise" to not engage in demonstrating for six months in exchange to drop charges is brilliant strategy. They instead are sticking together and demanding separate trials!  Cyrus Vance again has over played his hand. He banked on his belief that the protesters would opt out for simple easy solutions. This perhaps is easy for New York, but to try each arrest, and most of the arrests can be easily challenged on simple procedural and constitutional grounds will entail months of expense and a continual parade of really negative publicity for New York City. Either Vance goes ahead with the illegal trials or has to fold....either way New York loses to OWS! Bravo! Brilliant! My utter admiration for the fortitude, wisdom, solidarity and bravery these folks are displaying.

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