Friday, November 18, 2011


I just had a personal best kinda day....


  1. Do tell. Some biking?

  2. Well, some biking as it was a spectacular day...but my regular loop of 14 kilometers...It was an abdominal moment...up to 200 crunches...with leg lifts! I broke my old record of 160 by 40! I may not be able to do it again for a few days, but the gain is incremental. I get up to a plateau, stay there and then, break on through!
    I try to give myself about 45 minutes to an hour or so a day for exercise, no matter what. If I don't do it, nobody will do it for me and as Ricardo Montabalm would say (channeling Billy Crystal) It is better to kook marvelous than to feel marvelous...and I think my stomach looks marvelous indeed! But, I feel pretty marvelous these days as well. I'm 5'11" weigh about 140. I'm 61 years old but mentally I think I am trying to reverse the numbers.

  3. JOB, I'm not trying to brag on myself, please, but you asked and what I am doing for myself, physically is the most ongoing continually exciting aspect of my life.
    A few years ago, I was in really bad shape because of a lifelong chronic asthma condition. When I first moved to France, I was a tad overweight, perhaps a borderline alcoholic and not in very good condition.
    The asthma condition is much more under control than at any time in my life. I thank my doctor in Hautefort for real one on one help with it. I require very little medication now.
    Usually I slack off in the winter with exercise, but this is so stimulating and continually exciting to me that it is self fueling. I have my own little gym in my barn. I can only encourage this for every one I meet...I can eat anything and everything I want...but, I try to eat as healthily as possible. I have a car but it doesn't leave the garage but once or twice a week...
    I'd rather spend my money of really healthy good food than gasoline and so much of what I eat is grown right here on my land!
    By the way, I will have dual nationalitiy in a few weeks! I am in the process of becoming a French Citizen!

  4. Dottie- Didn't think you were bragging at all. As I have been powerlifting, since my high school football days. I know all to well about plateaus. If you ever want to, or you are, training with weights. Let me know if you want some pointers.

    I find, that as I get older, it is time to kick start my metabolism. I have always been about strength. But as I get closer to 40, I'm getting more concerned about how extra weight will affect my health.

    As far as your citizenship goes.....mes félicitations ami

  5. JOB, I went through a short period of weight training, but then next thing I knew I had moved to NYC and started my dissolute life as a musician and artist. Luckily, my passion for biking kept me going. I rode almost everyday and actually probably had a few near death experiences when I was a bike messenger for a year or so. I gave up a comfortable gig on a railroad for that!
    I find the most depressing thing about my age is what I see in my friends and contemporaries. I will get old, but I will never be old and fat. I want to keep as vital as possible for as long as I am able.
    If you are still into exercising, I con only admire your keepin on, because as I said, I have to tell my self that no one will do it for me! The hardest part is to start, but it feels so good when you stop....

  6. Dot- Good for you. I admire the goals you set for yourself, and can only hope I'm as in good of shape at your age.
    If you have access to a rack in your barn, I would advice that you try doing squats. 3 sets of 15 reps. Start off easy, low weight, and concentrate on form. Feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointed outward. You need to squat down 'til your thighs are parallel to the floor.
    You will be amazed at how wonderful this one exercise is for not just your legs, but your overall development and metabolism as well
