Monday, November 28, 2011

Ooops, It's That Pesky Constitution Again....

 Last week, Kansas teenager Emma Sullivan posted a snarky tweet about the state's governor Sam Brownback, which, naturally, led to Brownback's staffers pressuring her principal to make her apologize on threat of punishment. Apparently, at some point during the holiday weekend, the school district noticed this would violate Sullivan's free speech rights. They've announced that she will not be forced to apologize and will not be punished for her tweet. Sullivan now has more Twitter followers than Governor Sam Brownback. 
Frankly, I was a little asshole teenage loudmouth once and I still am. I got into trouble for the things I said and did, but nobody ever tried to do to me what they tried to do to Emma! In this segment, she more than adequately defends herself! You go girl, I am so proud of you!
UPDATE: Brownback has issued an apology to Emma!

1 comment:

  1. wanna bet ol' Sam was bullied in H.S.? yeah, you a big man now weasel boy ( a common affliction in cops too)
