Thursday, November 17, 2011

We Gonna Party Like It's 1964!

In the last Republican debate, Michelle Bachmann attacked Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs saying, "What I would do is look at the programs Lyndon Johnson gave us with the Great Society, and they'd be gone."
Rick Perry faced down the Red Chinese Menace, saying the "the Communist Chinese Government will end up on the trash heap of history."
And Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum all took  us back to the days of "Duck and Cover" nuclear defense drills, with Santorum (sorry, I find it hard to write Santorum with out breaking into fits of hysterical giggling) expressing the fear that, "the next explosion we hear in Iran is a nuclear one."
Perhaps the correct response for the Democrats should be to trot out Lyndon Johnson's 1964 campaign ad against Barry Goldwater. Love it or hate it, it worked pretty good for LBJ back then.
And as long as the conservative corporacracy is intent on turning the clock back on social evolution 50 years, let's listen to what Mario Savio had to say, on the steps of the Berkeley University of California Campus that are named for him today. The same place peaceful demonstrators were brutalized last Wednesday night for trying to exercise their right to Free Speech today, almost 50 years later:

If that's how they wanna play, then we can show them that we can play that game and do it better. Because we've learned and evolved over the last 50 years and obviously, "they" haven't.

1 comment:

  1. I've kept hoping that the Spirit of the 60s would make a comeback--this time being better organised and ready to withstand the bullshit that was put on it the first go round.
