Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your White Trash Moment

It's been a long time since we've had a white trash moment here at thebrainpokice,
 but I just had to share.


  1. Did he say "more wickeder?"

  2. Dot- Why are you banning the smurfs? Damn French. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  3. well, the french never really had smurfs...we have had a stroumpf infestation! Really, that's the real name for Smurfs in French...actually Belgian....most of these infestations can be blamed on the frikin Belgians...and their lax comic character pest control laws....they let them escape into the wild and breed uncontrollably....Have you ever seen stroumpf schtupping lasciviously openly on street corners? ahocking!

  4. Gaud! Thanks, Microdot, for reminding me that there is an entire universe of idiocy that, thankfully, I rarely intersect. It's like one of those multiverses where the 'life forms' are unrecognizable to us.
