Sunday, December 11, 2011

be bop tango II

1973, Sweden, what an absolutely brilliant little ensemble. Frank, Ruth Underwood, Jean-Luc Ponty, George Duke. Frank claimed he wasn't a jazz composer. He said he didn't play jazz. Perhaps he was correct. This is an expressive music that transcends the simple label of jazz...
This is disciplined classicism that allows individual expression with in the strictly controlled environment of the composer/conductor. Maybe that would fit someones definition of what could be considered jazz, but obviously, Mr. Zappa didn't think so...Day 6 of Zappadan? 


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I came over from Squatlo, and really like your content but the color scheme is giving me a migraine. Green on black with red links is hard to read. Otherwise, very good blog.

  2. Take an asprin why doncha?

  3. actually, anonymous, thank you for the compliment, I admit that I am an ungrateful bastard but I playing with colors is part of the fun of my blog...I like making gifs and photoshop stuff. I will always be an unreformed dadaist at heart.

  4. Hold your head up!

    Hold your head up!

  5. What a super-group that was. Thanks for posting it.
