Wednesday, December 21, 2011

G Spot Tornado

Here we are, the next to the last day of Zappadan...the Eve of the 17th day...Time for the traditional ritual dance of the G Spot Tornado....
This of course is from the legendary Yellow Shark Concerts performed in Frankfort, Germany in 1992 by The Ensemble Modern. The music was composed, arranged and conducted for the most part by Frank. There were some performances he did not conduct due to his failing health at the time. This though, G Spot Tornado was conducted by Frank. The composition first appeared on his Solo Kurtzweiler Sampling Synthesizer Grammy winning recording Jazz From Hell. He wrote it as a theoretical exercise to attempt to compose a piece of music that would be beyond the ability of a human ensemble to actually play.
When he first spoke with the musicians of the Ensemble Modern, they expressed their desire to attempt to play it, so he created orchestral charts and, Voila...

1 comment:

  1. if you are a musician, I'm sure you comprehend the totally conflicting time signatures in the piece...when the ensemble plays the the main's pretty wild...
