Thursday, December 08, 2011

John Winston Lennon  Oct 9. 1940/Dec. 8, 1980


  1. I could never get into the Beatles. I always thought, it was because I was to young, but I like Floyd and the Stones. Go figure.

  2. This was the soundtrack of my adolescence, which seems to be an ongoing this puberty thing is a bitch...Floyddd? well they were great with Barrett and Ummagumma and Atom Heart Mother...that's high art as far as I'm concerned...then they sorta wimped out. Stones? Satanic Majesties is one of the greatest records ever made and I still love Between The Buttons...but I love all kinds of music. Dean Martin, Thrashcore, Rap, Serbian Punk Horn bands...African Dance...Northern African Rai! Zydeco...if it tastes good, I'll eat it.....

  3. Oh yeahhh...we are sorta celebrating the High Holy Days of the Zappadan Festival....Most people only know a parody of what Zappa really did...The Modern Composer refuses to die...that was quote from his hero, the early 20th century avant classicist, Edgar Varese.
