Saturday, December 10, 2011


These teeth are part of the personal collection of Tsar Peter The Great of Russia, which he kept in a little velvet bag. Peter was a brilliant erratic genius who was interested in everything and one of the most anarchistic intellects of the age. He personally dragged The Russian Empire into the modern world. He built boats, he was an accomplished carpenter and architect. He was one of the most determined military minds of the 18th century. He was interested in medicine and considered himself a surgeon and a dentist...the people in his court soon learned never to complain of a toothache in his presence. It was good to be the Tsar.....


  1. Peter the Great: That there was the man!

  2. Dottie- I just wanted to say thank you for your compliments on Mud's latest post. I know you guys are friends, but I assure you, he is lying in his comments. You can read all my posts, and comments from my blog starting 12-04-11. I believe the post Title was "Just to prove my point...Vol I"..
    I believe I presented facts, along with my opinion on Obama. Now I am being blasted for it, and can't even defend myself.
    Thanks again for the kind words......
    BTW: Those teeth look like a bunch of silly condoms.

  3. I have always found Peter to be one of the most fascinating figures of history. How could one man be so powerfully drawn in so many different directions without coming apart? He has been portrayed as a monster, but an enlightened monster...Well, he did live fast and die young! I think I have my Peter The Great moments...He used to terrorize Moscow with his mock court...he was the frikin pope drunk out of his mind once a year...This was the guy who invented the strategy that defeated The Swedes, The Turks and later Napoleon and Hitler...
    He built palaces but then couldn't stand to live in them, so he built a little log cabin out in back.....

    JOB, I don't know the history of what occurred, but I think mudrakes portrayal of you comparing you to the fat lady with the bloomers of death was unfair. You don't even wanna go there!

    It's true that I have the utmost respect for mudrake and the role he plays in trying to keep the focus on his principles and promote intelligent dialogue. The guys a fighter and has taken more than his fair share of knocks...but he asks for it and doesn't back down!
    I feel you also try to promote dialogue on your blog. From what I see, you are not dogmatic to the point of wearing blinders and try to understand others opinions. That is something I respect as well.

    There is a lot of door slamming and drama in life. I do it, and sometimes I feel totally justified, but I think I am trying to learn patience. I hope you guys are patient with each other, because you have more common ground than you would probably care to admit.....
