Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Citizens United...the musical


January 21 is the second anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission," and advocates on both sides of the corporate-personhood issue are organizing to make their voices heard. Pro-democracy organizations like Move to Amend are protesting the decision with rallies at 100 Federal Court Houses, including the Supreme Court, on Friday Jan. 20. Meanwhile, United 4 the People is organizing protests at symbolic corporate locations around the U.S. on Saturday Jan. 21 and participants in various Occupy movements are converging on the US Capitol on Tuesday Jan. 17, all to voice opposition to unlimited and anonymous money influencing our political process in favor of The 1 Percent.

But now there is a new organization fighting for the rights of The 1 Percent, and those who personally identify with them. They call themselves the Corporate-Person American Movement, and they are determined not to let the American people have the last word on whether money should equal speech, or whether corporate entities should have the power to purchase election results and lucrative legislation.

Corporate Person American Will Rice is gearing up for a big 2nd Anniversary of the Citizens United decision, which established corporate personhood and gave him a new identity. He recorded a new, intimate song to properly serenade his most beloved Supreme Court precedent.

"I've always wanted to be an oppressed minority of some kind," Rice said. "Being a white male born into inherited wealth, this dream of mine kept evading me. But that was before the Supreme Court stepped in to protect the rights of corporate persons to spend money on our elections. I realized then that my life's work would be, not only declare myself a Corporate-Person American, but also to fight for full citizenship rights for corporations, including the right to marry and the right to vote."

The fledgling organization has grown rapidly in the past 2 years as populist movements that advocate for the interests of the super-wealthy came into fashion. Brian Wang, who became a Corporate-Person American a year ago, shared that he's been getting "second looks from the ladies" since making the switch.
 “The corporation is a true Frankenstein’s monster, an artificial person run amok, responsible only to its own soulless self.

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