Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Scream from Sebastian Cosor on Vimeo.

“I was walking along a path with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.”
Edvard Munch, 1893


  1. Brilliant, as usual, Microdot! There is so much substance in that small clip to discuss, not to mention the beautiful singing and the backdrop!

    Tell me, where do you come up with things like this? Apparently [and obviously] I don't travel down the same artistic path as you.

  2. I belong to the vimeo website and see things and react. Of course, it was interesting that I had just read the quote by Munch about his inspiration for The Scream. I appreciate Munch more and more as an artist as I see more and more of his work.
    The music is from Pink Floyds "Dark Side Of The Moon" recording from the 70's. I have a love hate relationship with the music of Pink Floyd...I still think that the early music by the original group was mind shatteringly brilliant and broke so much original ground with the deranged genius of the original guitarist and composer, Syd Barrett, but I felt that Pink Floyd had become as they had put it "comfortably numb" in later years artistically. Obviously, my concept of shatteringly brilliant and comfortably numb may be radically different from most people. For many people who came of age in the 70's, Dark Side is one of the touch is brilliant music and the songs are part of the pop legacy today. The piece, Money is almost innocuous.
    It is almost in through the lens of time that I can look at the post Barrett work of Waters and Gilmore and listen to it with fresh ears. The conceptually brilliant computer animation and concept of this piece certainly gave me the opportunity to do just that.

  3. Thanks for the background information. I 'came of age' in the early 60's so my musical memories are somewhat different.

    I'll do some research on Munch to see what he's all about, but I'm already drawn to his artistic talent.

  4. I don't think the dialogue adds anything, but the visuals really took me out there. I remember seeing The Scream in Paris and being surprised at how small it was. Guess you didn't need the $150 million dollar blockbuster back in the day to put yourself on the map.
