Thursday, February 09, 2012

Absolute Fucktard

Santorum, yesterday, out of control, stoned out of his gourd on the fumes of his own sanctimoniously reeking flatulence.
And what might you ask could have possibly evoked such a ungracious reaction from
my normally, civil calm and placid demeanor? The utter disregard of historical facts?
The ridiculous hyperbolic inflammatory rhetoric? Of course, Ricky's depiction of history is fatally skewed. But he spews his ignorant venom not to educate but to agitate. He 
tries to be a classic fascist orator. A little limp and leaden Mussolini perhaps fatally
drawn into his own sociopathic ego and power trip. His annoying presence only has whetted my anticipation of the sublime pleasure of watching him self destruct, because, make no mistake,
Little Ricky is going to go down.....

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