Monday, February 13, 2012

Atlas Wanked (part 2)

About a year ago, I published a piece titled Atlas Wanked expressing my thoughts regarding the fantasist, pseudo philosopher and frankly sociopathic immature ideas of Ayn Rand. Rands ramblings are taken seriously because they provide an irresponsible pseudo rationalization for conservative greed. 
Even Alan Greenspan, who at one time quoted her to rationalize his acceptance of an unregulated stock market has repudiated her idea that the market will regulate itself "for it's own survival". Some of Ayn's current fans who are using her fiction as a basis for their rationalization of greed are the supposed intellects of the new TeaBrained fueled GOP, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan and the Paul father and son team. Ron Paul even named his son after Ms. Rand.
Since that time, a Tea Party Freedom Works sponsored movie version of Atlas Shrugged was released. It wasn't the hit that the TeaBrains thought it would be, but it is being used as a basis for doctrine, by those more illiterate tea brains who need this badly acted abridged piece of trash because they don't have the attention span to actually read through her rather tedious written fiction.
 During her lifetime, Rand advocated "the virtue of selfishness," declared altruism to be "evil," opposed Medicare and all forms of government support for the middle-class and the poor, and condemned Christianity for advocating love and compassion for the less fortunate:
Rand also dismissed the feminist movement as a "false" and "phony" issue, said a female commander in chief would be "unspeakable," characterized Arabs as "almost totally primitive savages," and called government efforts to aid the handicapped and educate "subnormal children" an attempt to "bring everybody to the level of the handicapped." Even more, my earlier post documents her drug use, her reliance and manipulation of the very medicare system she preached against. She also was a fan and supporter of a particularly gruesome mass murderer, William Hickman, who she seemed to have formed an erotic fixation on. Yet, this is the "intellectual" heroine of the "values" obsessed Conservative Movement in America. 
I would like to use this post to promote Blue America and the candidates they are promoting across America who need your help to fight the massive onslaught of corporacracy funded campaigns. To learn more and to donate, go to the Blue America ActBlue page!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Microdot,
    I had not heard of Rand until the Extreme Right started holding her up as the iconic mantle to emulate for their viewpoints. Upon my first exposure in a video clip, I impression was what a delusional, hateful, pompous ass who had not clue of the real world we are all living in.

    I personally wrote her off as a Nut Job who was given a venue for the purpose of exposing her for what she was. I could not conceive anyone really signing on and supporting her rhetoric.

    That being said, enter the Tea Party mentality segment.
