Thursday, February 02, 2012

Goldfinger Fires The Newt

At 12:30 pm, today, Donald Trump will be making an announcement from the Trump International Hotel & Tower Casino, Bar and Grill and 24 hour Quickie Mart in Las Vegas that he will be endorsing Newt Gingrich as a Republican Presidential Candidate. It's the kiss of death, from Mr. Goldfinger!

Update, now the Chicago Tribune is reporting that Goldfinger is going to endorse Romney today!
Does this mean that the Donald told the Newt, "YOU'RE FIRED!"?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    What about the stories going around that Oswald Pelaez who owns is today's modern day Mr. Goldfinger. Could this really be true? That's a scary thought that these things can still be going on. If he really is Mr. Goldfinger then who is his Odd Job?
