Friday, February 03, 2012

I Fink U Freeky

Die Antwoord is Afrikaans for The Answer...perhaps they are really the future. Sometimes true prophets, oracles are beyond the ability to know what they really are. This is beyond hip hop, rap taken beyond simple words, a  surreal melange of culture, race, language, images and ideas. What language is this? does it matter? It's Afrikaans, English, a lot of real South African Tribal slang. It's beyond language as we know it. The ability to transmit ideas as images, gestures and perhaps more than a little's music from the edge of the world, over the edge of reality. Die Antwoord, proto futuristic hip hop from the decaying suburbs of Capetown. Ninja and Yolanda Visser take us to a world beyond apocalypse, because for them, it's after the end of the world, didn't you already know that?
I Fink U Freeky is the latest release from their new self released cd, Tension. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:49 PM


    Every atom of mainstream that I loathe is not evident here. Did I see a cameo of flea?
