Wednesday, February 08, 2012

a little glimpse into the brainz of  herr mittens as he groggily realizes that he came in 3rd place
in the minnesota republican primary. 21,420 votes for santorum, 13,023 for paul, 8090 for the mittster.
oh, yeah some people voted fer der newt. herr mittler also lost to il santorini in colorado and really by a large margin in missouri. newt didn't even show in missouri. my, this is a nasty turn for der uber mensch. could my dream ticket, the mittler/santorini axis of evil really come to pass? I'm ironing my armband!

achhht! der fuhers vork iss nefer done....sigh...


  1. Hello Microdot,
    What a FINE 3 Ring Cluster F*#k this is turning into.

    I think the Republicans will go with the "Moderate & Wing Nut" show once again like "McCain & Palin" last time. After all that worked so well for them last time right? :-)

  2. I was hoping for a Palin/ Bachmann run ( the Laverne and Shirley of the Republican party.)
    the Ol'Buzzard
