Friday, February 17, 2012

Rape Is The Ultimate Expression Of Fascist Power

I realize that so much has been written in regards to current and ongoing conservative of using an attempt to assault women's rights as some sort of issue that is going to somehow propel them into control of the White House, the senate, the congress...etc, ect....
There is a point when fascism becomes totally tone deaf. But please, don't let me stop them. Let the Republicans form an alliance with the Roman Catholic Conservative Bishops, pleeze! Let Rick Sanrtorum's advisor, Foster Friesse make all the aspirin between the knees birth control jokes he wants...
Fascism is fascism, Islamic, German, Italian (sorry Little Rickie, I didn't mean to get ethnic on you there) or American or  even more specifically Virginian!
Weren't we all so utterly outraged a few months ago about the Egyptian Police and their utterly obscene and invasive "virginity tests" that were carried out to intimidate arrested women protestors? Bad Egyptians! And god bless the Republican defenders of freedom and democracy who are howling for the investigation of the Egyptian police to "protect" democracy.
But, let's look at the legal definition of rape and the utter hypocrisy of the legislation on the verge of being enacted in Virginia and the obscenely fascist defense of the conservative mad men who are in control of the Virginia legislature. The bill they are on the verge of enacting will require  many women in Virginia to undergo vaginal penetration with an ultrasound probe against their consent in order to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion, even for nonsurgical, noninvasive, pharmaceutical abortions.
I don't want to focus on the abortion, or the political pushback, or even the Constitution. I want to focus on the act.
"Vaginal penetration with an ultrasound probe against their consent" ... How is that not Rape with Instruments? 
What's "rape with instruments"? It's when someone shows up and shoves things inside of you without your consent — except that the things aren't his body parts. One definition: 
Rape by Instrumentation
Rape by instrumentation is an act of forced sexual aggression against an individual that does not involve sexual intercourse.
Specifically, it is:
"an act within or without the bonds of matrimony, in which any inanimate object or any part of the human body ... not amounting to sexual intercourse, is used in the carnal knowledge of another person, without his or her consent and penetration of the anus or vagina occurs to that person."
The utterly smarmy defense of the procedure by a Virginian Legislator, C. Todd Gilbert was summed up in the statement, "a woman already consented to being “vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant."
So, the State of Virginia is on the verge of enacting legislation which would require any woman who needed to have an abortion, for any number of plausible reasons to undergo what is technically and legally considered a perversely invasive and illegal unnecessary medical procedure, which if performed by the Egyptian Police would raise their righteous christian holier than thou hackles to somehow get the governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell poised for his big Republican Vice Presidential bid with Little Ricky SANTORUM....Fuck them, but they will surely only fuck themselves..,....


  1. Hello Microdot,
    I have traveled much in the Southwestern area of Virginia, the land of “Jerry Falwell” Bible thumping mindless drones. Much like the Borg in the Star Trek movies, these Ultra Conservative Religious population’s minds that are so prevalent in this area have regressed to less than any individual thought species.

    Knowing what I have been exposed to in my travels, this latest legislation you are speaking of in Virginia comes as no surprise to me.

    As far as I can say of your posting good Sir is, YOU NAILED IT!!

  2. Dottie- what's up dude? I am sorry that I haven't commented in awhile, but I've been busy. It's funny that you post this, only because it speaks to the contradictions among Conservatives. At least in my opinion. I don't want to say too much more, as this is somewhat the subject of my next post. That is what is funny about your post. The humor ends there, of course. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.

  3. well, the busy thing...there are so many blogs I want to visit and then shit happens! my last week was totally consumed by winter, horses, hay and heating. try to write here. I will check out what you have to say about this subject. Frankly, the conservative state governments have run rampant in passing this over the edge cruel and intimidating legislation to impose their morality on everyone. The damage is done, but I think with every law like this, the focus of what the real issues are become more clear.
    Here we see physical humiliation used as a tool of repression. Rape is beyond sexuality, male rape in prisons, rape by militias in africa, sexual humiliation by has nothing to do with sex, it is the ultimate way one human can degrade, break and humiliate another. It is the utter abuse of power.
